
Monday, January 5, 2015

Cocoa Pumpkin Pancakes (THM E)

When I know it's a crazy busy week coming up, I like to use whatever free day I have to double or triple my recipes. 

Now, I'm set with E pancakes for the week!

Since our kids eat the same we do, and my kiddos for sure need crossovers, I fry my pancakes on a non-oiled pan, and then make theirs smaller and fry them in some good butter. I do the kiddo ones smaller to make it easy to distinguish between mine and theirs. Just add some peanut butter and they're eating a healthy crossover. 

My current favorite E pancake recipe is pumpkin pancakes, doubled, and add 1/4 c cocoa powder.

The base E pancakes recipe in the THM book is so good, and adding pumpkin and cocoa to the mix, its amazing! 

Whole Food Mom on a Budget is where I snagged the pumpkin pancake recipe, and adding cocoa to it upped the yum a notch! 

I eat these with home mixed vanilla greek yogurt on the top and am full for hours! 

The original recipe is HERE, and my tweaked version is below. 

Cocoa Pumpkin Pancakes (THM E)

3/4 cup oats
1/4 c oat fiber
1 cup egg whites
1 cup cottage cheese (1-2%)
1/2 cup pumpkin
1/4 c cocoa
1 tsp  cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
dash nutmeg/cloves/salt
Almond milk to thin 

Blend all ingredients save for almond milk in a blender. Use almond milk to thin batter to desired consistency. Fry on a VERY lightly greased pan. This is an E, so the focus is on healthy carbs vs fats.


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